
3rd Annual ETFO ELHT Plan Member Meeting was held on September 24, 2020

October 6, 2020

The Board of Trustees for the ETFO Employee Life and Health Trust (ELHT) held its third Annual Plan Member Meeting on September 24, 2020.  This year’s meeting was virtual, and plan members were able to participate through a live audio stream.

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Your Benefits eNewsletter – Summer 2020 Edition

July 8, 2020

Welcome to the seventh edition of Your Benefits! The eNewsletter is designed to provide you with relevant and meaningful information about your ETFO ELHT benefits plan. This issue focuses on topics including Having a real social connection, Benefit reminders for end of school year and What is life conversion?.

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ETFO ELHT Coronavirus Updates

June 15, 2020

As the situation with COVID-19 continues to evolve, the ETFO Employee Life and Health Trust (ELHT) continues to work closely with OTIP, our plan administrator, to make proactive decisions that are grounded in care for members and employees.  To keep you updated, the ELHT has sent out a number of emails with more information specific to the plan’s response to COVID-19.

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