The ETFO ELHT sent a Member Winter Update on March 5, 2020. Topics include new ETFO ELHT contact information, a reminder about grandparented part-time funding changes, a survey summary, and extended OTIP hours.
Find out more about this news item >Welcome to the fifth edition of Your Benefits! The eNewsletter is designed to provide you with relevant and meaningful information about your ETFO ELHT benefits plan. This issue focuses on topics including Understanding your vision care coverage, Submit an estimate before making expensive health and dental purchases and Introducing the new OTIP mobile app.
Read More >The Board of Trustees for the ETFO Employee Life and Health Trust (ELHT) held its second Annual Plan Member Meeting on September 26, 2019 at the Courtyard Marriott Hotel. Plan members were able to participate through a live audio stream or by attending in person.
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