6th Annual ETFO ELHT Plan Member Meeting was held September 27, 2023

October 15, 2023

The Board of Trustees for the ETFO Employee Life and Health Trust (ELHT) held its 6th ETFO ELHT Annual Plan Member Meeting on Thursday, September 27, 2023 from 4:30 – 6:00 pm EST.  The meeting was virtual and plan members were able to participate through a live audio stream.  Plan members were notified of the meeting in advance, in the May 30th renewal communication and again on September 20th, and the details of the meeting were also posted on the website.

The ELHT Board of Trustees provided their yearly update based on the 2022 Annual Report, which is also posted on the website.

Plan members who were unable to participate on September 27th are now able to view the presentation by clicking here OR by pasting the following link into their Chrome or Firefox browser: https://etfo-elhtbenefits.ca/media/092723_ETFO_ELHT_UTH_Video.mp4

Plan members are encouraged to visit the ETFO ELHT website www.etfo-elhtbenefits.ca on a regular basis to view updates, news, and FAQs regarding their ETFO ELHT benefits plan.

Specific questions related to coverage, claims, enrolment, and premium deductions should be directed to OTIP at 1-866-783-6847 and information can be viewed by logging into the OTIP secure member area if you are already enrolled in the plan.

General eligibility questions and questions related to the Annual Report can be directed to the ETFO ELHT at inquiries@etfo-elht.ca.


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